Howdy. Parting this P320 stuff out to sell.
- FCU and Grip
- $360 - One with extended Sig slide release, Apex flat trigger and forward reset kit, Wilson Combat full size grip.
- $300 - One with standard slide stop, Sig flat trigger, and WC full size grip, you also get the regular curved trigger
- Slides
- $320 - VTAC-R2 full size slide, has mount and taps for DeltaPoint Pro footprint, fiber and tritium sights
- $340 - P320 full size slide, milled for ACRO footprint red dot, forward set rear iron, 0.25" height sights that are usable through an ACRO window, grey cerakote, some wear that's pictured. I'm also selling an ACRO, check my other ad, and I'll do both together for $750, you won't find deal that comes close to that.
- Holsters - SOLD PENDING
- $100 for these three
- Blackhawk L2D for P320 with TLR-1/TLR-2, been rattlecanned to match a belt
- Red River Tactical IWB for P320 with TLR-1, grey
- Red River Tactical OWB level 2 retention for P320 with TLR-1, grey
- $50 for these two, first person to take one of these FCU and grips off my hand can have these for free.
- Aliengear IWB for P320
- On your 6 IWB for P320
- $120 for all eight
- Five 17 round Sig factory mags
- Three 17 round ACT mags
Not interested in trades right now.
I can meet you over by Academy or Randall's in Round Rock or HD in Hutto. Holler at me if you have any questions or want better pictures. If your buying a FCU, I'll just need to glance at that TX DL.
Hit me on the text or call, 512 fiveThree5 ate8zeroFor
Bryan Sr
Listing ID:3001415