Selling for $950 with red dot or $850 without. I'm firm on price and possibly looking for handguns in 9mm or PPC in 9mm, either a ar9 or akv. Send what you got. Prefer straight trade or trade plus cash on your end. Not wanting to add cash on my end.
Looking to sell my FN 509 Compact Tactical FDE pistol. Lightly used with less then 200 rds, this is a 9mm striker fired pistol. Comes with everything from the factory with includes: The soft case, 3 magazines one 12rd, 15rd and two 24rd extended
Magazine, i also have a Compensator that's not attached but included, all the mounting plates for an optic, an extra recoil spring meant for use with suppressors and an extra back strap. Only thing missing is the rear sight protector.
Also adding a Sig Sauer romeo zero auto off red dot with or without.
Message me if interested, I'm located in Jarrell Texas.